Do you ever look at the photos you’ve taken and think, now what do I do with them all? Well, we’ve already talked about how to organize your photos, now it’s time to show them off! I’ve put together 5 easy ways to display your photos! Let’s jump right in!
#1 Gallery Wall
This one is an obvious choice. Creating a gallery wall is a timeless way to display your images. You want to keep a few things in mind when creating your gallery wall. Keep the general “feel” of your photos cohesive. Remember that you can keep the look clean by sticking to one consistent frame style, like these simple black frames, or mix it up with different sizes, shapes and colors. You can use floating frames for a super modern look, or even this steel hanging frame. Remember, if hanging your photos in frames, always start with the largest framed print in the middle and work your way out. I always use painters tape and “tape” up the gallery when hanging any pictures. That way, if I want to change the position of anything, it’s easy to do.

#2 Photo Books
This is something that I try to do every year. Photo books are a great way to keep the year’s memories easy to access. I keep a stack of mine on a shelf in the living room, and for years, my kids would just grab them, sit on the couch and look through the memories. Photo books have come a long way over the years. Shutterfly has many great templates and is easy to use, and Artifacts Uprising has tons of different shapes and styles to choose from.

#3 Fridge Magnets
Okay this may be my favorite. For less than the cost of a coffee, Prints Factory US can make your photos into these adorable fridge magnets. Create a “fridge art gallery” of the best photos you’ve taken, and for the price, you can change them as often as you’d like.
#4 Photo Puzzle
This is a great one for the family. Why not turn your vacation photos into memories that you continue to re-visit. These photo puzzles come in different sizes and are a fun way to keep those special times near. Just think of the conversations you can have while putting together a puzzle of your favorite holiday.

#5 Photo Wood Block
Here’s one I’ve done a few times and still love it. Transfer your favorite photo onto a block of wood. You can actually do this same process on canvas as well. It’s easy, and all you need is a block of wood, or a piece of canvas, a copy of your image on paper, some mod podge and a little time. It’s a fun process and a great way to display your photos.
I hope that I’ve given you some inspiration to have fun, get creative and share your pictures with the world!