This summer, I have been working hard on taking Images by Dena to the next level. I’ve been reflecting a lot. Looking back on where I started and where I want to go, and in that reflection, I’ve thought about you. If you had one wish, one photography wish, what would it be?

I was very frustrated when I was starting out in photography…the confusion, the disappointment. All that I wanted to do was take some great photos, and for the life of me, I couldn’t do it, and I was scared! Scared that I had this incredible camera and had no idea how to use it.
Are you feeling scared? Scared to take your camera off auto mode? Not sure how to even begin? Are you tired of taking out of focus, average looking pictures? I was there as well, and I know just how frustrating it can be. Once at the very beginning there was a photo of my husband that I was trying to take. I would snap the picture over and over, print the picture-Yes; I’m old!!! And when I got them back, they were the same blurry mess in every single one! I can’t tell you how many times I drug him back to that same spot to re-create that picture, and in the I just switched my camera back to auto, to guarantee that I captured what I wanted! Oh, what I wouldn’t’ have given for a fairy godmother…and one wish. As a result of that frustration, I pushed myself to learn!
I know other’s have felt the same way that I did, the same way that you do. Just read what my student’s have said.
Take a look at what they have to say…
Lisa M…
Lisa had a brand new camera, a very nice one at that, and didn’t have a clue of what to do with it…Dena is a great instructor! I learned so much in this 4-week “Let go of Auto” photography class and it was fun and interesting. I am happy to report that I now get asked to take photos for friends and family. Recently I took my god-daughters senior photos and everyone was super happy with the results. I could not have done it without this class!
Shannon K…
Likewise, Shannon wanted to learn how to take better photos with her phone…Over the past years, there have been a number of talents I wish I had the opportunity to learn. At the very top was the ability to learn how to take a beautiful photograph. Specifically, what are the elements that make one photo so much stronger than the other? I always say I wish the iPhone was around when my children were young to be able to quickly capture the moment, as I did not always have my camera ready. Over the years, I spoke to my friend Dena if she would be able to help me learn the basics of what a professional sees in their lens that I truly am missing in mine.
When she announced that she had created a course and that it was made for iPhone users like myself, I was in. She challenged us to watch, listen, learn, and then apply her tools with straightforward weekly homework. I began this course right as we were beginning to quarantine for a worldwide pandemic. In normal times, I would have driven to my favorite places to capture the perfect photo. What I realized was I could photograph the simplest of objects and truly apply what I learned. By photographing the inside contents of my refrigerator, I learned the rules of “Filling The Frame”. Normally I would have found a much more interesting subject, however, I truly learned the rules by creatively applying Dena’s teaching.
You can do it…
To sum it up, whatever you do, whatever you are using to take your photos, DO NOT give up…You will get through this! And I am here to support you every step of the way. In no time, you will be able to take amazing photos! If you are a newbie photographer just learning to use your camera or phone or are a photographer who’s stepped away because you couldn’t get the images you wanted, shoot me an email and answer one question for me…If you could wave a magic wand and get one result in your photographs, what would it be?
Send an email with your answers, and let’s see if we can grant that wish! And don’t forget to join my Facebook group, to grab some amazing tips and tricks!
I look forward to hearing from you!!