I am not a patient person. I am always looking for life hacks. Hacks are a part of our lives, and you can find hacks on everything, even photography hacks.
Most of us want to see quick results when trying new things, and I am certainly no different. I want things done yesterday, if not before.
That’s why I have put together these 3 Photography Hacks. I want to help you reach your photography goal even faster! All you need to do is follow these hacks and watch your photography begin to improve!
1. Take it in small steps.
Before my students join my Beginners Photography Essentials Class, I often see them jumping all over the place and wanting to learn EVERYTHING immediately. They search the internet, not knowing what to look for. They ask for advice from numerous sources, and they have no real learning path.
Taking the learning of photography and breaking it into small steps makes it so much more manageable, making it doable and making you more successful.
There is a logical path to follow when learning anything and photography is no exception. Learning in the correct order means you are doing things correctly. Devoting a small amount of time upfront to creating that learning path is a great way to make sure you are off to the right start and don’t miss anything. That’s why I put together my Beginners Photography Essentials Class, to help new photographers find a learning curriculum and stick with it.

2. Utilize powerful online resources to learn all you can.
The second photography hack that I want to talk to you about is utilizing powerful online resources. Your first step should be learning but in the correct way, and realize that education is the most important step.
Every time I want to learn something, my kids tell me to google it or “go on YouTube.” NO!!! I don’t want to spend endless hours searching for things or watching a YouTube video that does not help me learn what I want to learn!
I want to have someone tell me step by step how to do something, that’s why I love online courses. They are put together in a purposeful way to help you learn and learn quickly~ ( I have a great one here. 😉) My Beginners Photography Essentials Class will walk you through learning your camera in a step-by-step, purposeful manner, and what’s even better, you can get feedback from me. I guarantee you will be shooting better pictures in no time.
3. Commit!
The most important of photography hacks!
I can’t stress this photography hack enough…Commit to having your camera in your hands daily. This is by far the most important thing you can do to improve your photography, and it doesn’t take that much time each day.
Photography is just like any other hobby or sport, for that matter. You don’t go out to play your weekly tennis game without having practiced. You can’t expect to get amazing photographs if you only pick up your camera once in a while.
Photography takes muscle and brain memory to solidify all of the things you are learning, so practice is vital! Keep your camera where you can just grab it and go. Take it on walks, to the park with your kids, and just take photos inside. Keeping your camera in your hands for even 15 to 20 minutes every day, and making it part of your day will help solidify all of the new things that you are learning!

Take advantage of these easy-to-follow photography hacks, check out my Beginners Photography Essentials Class and watch your photography improve today!